Our sessions at the PDC


Now we can fi­nally blog about our PDC ses­sions. We have been work­ing for more then a year on this data lan­guage in­te­gra­tion stuff and it is quite ex­cit­ing to be able to talk about it pub­licly. Here are the ses­sions in­volved. They are all tied to­gether by a com­mon theme. They are all part of the same big pro­ject.

**The .NET Language Integrated Query Framework: An Overview’
** This is an overview of the over­all pro­ject. Anders is an ex­cel­lent speaker and this is a pre­req­ui­site for the other ses­sions. Don’t miss it
C#: Future Directions in Language Innovation from Anders Hejlsberg
** Mr. Anders again. If you are a C# pro­gram­mer, this is one you re­ally want to see

**Using the .NET Language Integrated Query Framework with Relational Data
** Despite the speaker (probably yours truly) this is a great talk, data­bases and ob­jects, hmmm sounds in­ter­est­ing

**Using the .NET Language Integrated Query Framework with XML Data
** Do you want to see how to query XML in a rather in­no­v­a­tive way? Here you have it

Visual Basic**: Future Directions in Language Innovation
** This is the equiv­a­lent of Anders’ C# talk. Come and see where VB is go­ing




Erwyn van der Meer


Microsoft’s Luca Bolognese has a nice overview of PDC ses­sions re­lated to the .NET Language Integrated…

Erwyn van der Meer


Microsoft’s Luca Bolognese has a nice overview of PDC ses­sions re­lated to the .NET Language Integrated…

Shaykatc's WebLog


In case you didnt see it, Luca has posted on our PDC ses­sions. Lots of cool new lan­guage stuff…

Eric Gunnerson's C# Compendium


I’ve been "a data­base guy" for quite a while. Way back in 1989, I left the se­cu­rity and bland­ness of…

I will be do­ing a pre­sen­ta­tion at PDC this year on Us­ing the .NET Language Integrated Query Framework…

I will be do­ing a pre­sen­ta­tion at PDC this year on Us­ing the .NET Language Integrated Query Framework…

I will be do­ing a pre­sen­ta­tion at PDC this year on Us­ing the .NET Language Integrated Query Framework…

The now fa­mous (or should that be no­to­ri­ous ? ;) ) Paul Vick will be pre­sent­ing on the fu­ture…