My F# PDC presentation is online (+ ppt and demo application)


You can watch it here. Also I at­tached the demo ap­pli­ca­tion I built on stage.





hi Luca,
Thank you so much for such a com­pelling demo of F#.  You re­ally made some lights come on for me with your X = X + 1” slide.

Wonderful pre­sen­ta­tion. Thank you.

Brian Knoblauch


Excellent pre­sen­ta­tion, thank you very much!
Covers the biggest prob­lem I’ve been hav­ing so far, which is how do I take it be­yond us­ing F# as a fancy cal­cu­la­tor”  :-)

Davide Zordan


Great pre­sen­ta­tion and code, thank you.

Raja Tirumala Rao


Great pre­sen­ta­tion , it was fun filled and with much in­for­ma­tion , most times i dont see  both to­gether.
What makes F# so cool , i mean we al­ready have func­tional pro­gram­ming lan­guages, is it the sup­port for IDE and sup­port for us­ing other  .net lan­guage classes/​meth­ods  seamlessly ?

Yes, but there is more.
All func­tional lan­guages are en­joyin­ing a re­nai­sance of sort (Erlang any­one?). A strong rea­son is the mul­ti­core rev­o­lu­tion that is upon us. Functional lan­guages, with their lack of side ef­fects, are good for par­al­leliza­tion.
Also, with LINQ we brought func­tional con­cepts in a main­stream pro­gram­ming lan­guage. We made them a bit more fa­mil­iar to peo­ple.
When you put all these things to­gether you get a lol­la­palooza ef­fect.

Would it make sense to have dy­namic pro­to­typ­ing in F# like in IronPython? The abil­ity to add be­hav­iour on the fly to ob­jects can be pow­er­ful when cre­at­ing a DSL us­ing F#

It is an in­ter­est­ing fea­ture, but dif­fi­cult to rec­on­cile with the sta­tic type na­ture of F#

Basketweaving for the Mind


Thanks to Mitch Wheat for invit­ing me to talk, and let­ting me choose the topic: F#. Also a ma­jor thanks

Basketweaving for the Mind


more an­i­mals As per the im­age above, cats and threads do no mix. Python and threads may not mix, ei­ther

Over the week­end, I had a chance to go to the SVC code­camp and give a cou­ple talks. Codecamp was fun,

Luke has no name


Very en­light­en­ing in­tro­duc­tion to F#. I’ll be grab­bing that first book to learn more about the lan­guage.
I ac­tu­ally heard about your talk from a friend. I was telling him about my end-of-se­mes­ter pro­ject, which is to take CSV files from Yahoo Finance and cre­ate a ge­netic al­go­rithm to test pa­ra­me­ter sets for tech­ni­cal stock in­di­ca­tors.
Your code is a great start for my pro­ject!

Great pre­sen­ta­tion, but F# for Vizualisation” is un­avail­able (for free) now. :(

Although we suc­ceeded in giv­ing away $20,000 worth of soft­ware with our free edi­tions in only 2 weeks, our ac­tual sales dis­ap­peared so we took the free edi­tions down. However, we do in­tend to in­tro­duce more re­stricted free edi­tions again in the fu­ture and I shall make sure these are suf­fi­cient to run Luca’s demo.
Many thanks,
Jon Harrop.

Chris Bowen's Blog


I re­cently gave an Introduction to F#” ses­sion for the Cape Cod .NET User group and, with Talbott Crowell