My PDC session is online - “Future directions for C# and Visual Basic”


In case you are train­ing to play the part of a first gen­er­a­tion Italian im­mi­grant in a Broadway show or if you want to un­der­stand why I never short msft stock: http://​mi­crosoft­​Ses­sions/​FT11




Paul van Brenk


Like the new para­lel de­vel­op­ment work. Great job!

Watched it yes­ter­day.  Excellent pre­sen­ta­tion Luca.  Also your F# pre­sen­ta­tion last year is what made me de­cide to move my cod­ing style to more de­clar­a­tive…
I won­der if it would be pos­si­ble to have some sort of an­a­lyzer tool that would help flag po­ten­tial is­sues in par­al­lel code like you de­scribed (1000 threads all wait­ing be­cause of no async re­lease)?  
What I mean is, not a tool to use af­ter re­lease to QA/UAT (which is too late re­ally), but some­thing to help the de­vel­oper dur­ing ac­tual de­vel­op­ment phase.

Ari C. Raimundo


Great pre­sen­ta­tion. I liked a lot what you guys did with as­syn­chro­nous re­lease, very great sam­ple.