The parser starts simple with the following two functions to parse either a string or a file. I use the XXX_Readers_ because I want to lazy read character by character.
let parseString s =
let reader = new StringReader(s)
parseTextReader reader
let parseFile fileName =
let reader = new StreamReader(fileName: string)
parseTextReader reader
The whole parser is in the following two lines:
let parseTextReader: TextReader -> seq<Expression> =
textReaderToLazyList >> tokenStream >> parseExpressions
I need to specify the signature otherwise the compiler gets confused : wait, does it take a StringReader or a StreamReader? You better tell me!
The function is a composite of three functions applied in sequence:
- Translate a TextReader to a LazyList
- Translate a LazyList
to a LazyList (lexer) - Translate a LazyList
to a LazyList (parser)
My usage of LazyList as the workhorse for the program is because I want to match on the head of the stream of chars/tokens in a lazy way.
I love it when a program naturally decomposes in such simple understandable pieces. I impute some of that to functional programming. For one reason or another, in my 15+ years of object oriented programming, I’ve rarely got to the core of a problem with such immediacy.
A sequence of operations likes the above would be lost in a protected overridden implementation of a base class somewhere (or something else equally long to pronounce). The beauty would be lost somewhere in the vast machinery required to support it.
In any case, TextReaderToLazyList is a trivial generator function that uses the unfold function of LazyList to read a character at the time.
let textReaderToLazyList textReader = LazyList.unfold (fun (ts:TextReader) ->
let ch = ts.Read()
if ch = -1 then None else Some(char ch, ts)) textReader
The next step is to look at either the lexer, going bottom up, or the parser, going top down.
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