

Here is a house on a hill over­look­ing the high­way. Behind that, the sea. The old cou­ple sits on the ter­race, watch­ing the traf­fic snake by. In all these years, they have seen a lot. There have been ac­ci­dents, a po­lice chase, a shoot­ing even. Once a horse wan­dered on the road.

I want a piece of all that life,” says the old man. His name is Pedro and he has the heart of a child. He goes down to the garage and builds a big wooden sign that says Horchata.” His wife rolls her eyes. Her name is Maite and she is very pa­tient.

The next day, they wake up early. Maite grinds the al­monds and mixes the sugar while Pedro puts up the sign. They wait.

People come—first fam­i­lies, then the big trucks. Word goes around and lines start to form. They are longer every day.

It’s not just the hor­chata. Maite sings some­times. She has the voice of a hum­ming­bird, but you have to coax it out of her. She is too shy. Pedro talks to the men about sports and pol­i­tics. He has a lot of opin­ions.

But it is mainly the hor­chata that does it. The sea air gives it fla­vor. A drop of whisky makes it unique.

The day batch fin­ishes in the early morn­ings. The cus­tomers don’t like that and honk their horns to tell the oth­ers back in the line. Pedro’s heart sinks. He goes back to the garage and builds an­other sign that says: se acabo” - it is fin­ished. They put the sign up every late morn­ing to avoid peo­ple get­ting out of the high­way for noth­ing.

The line of cus­tomers starts form­ing ear­lier every day. Some sleep the night in line. Pedro brings them cof­fee in the morn­ing. He feels guilty it has come to that.

They need to in­crease pro­duc­tion - he rea­sons. But Maite has just two hands and there is just one al­mond tree. So he puts more wa­ter in it. And then some more. He also low­ers the price be­cause he is an hon­est man. The lines get even longer. They still honk when the sign comes up.

Now Maite wants a va­ca­tion. She is tired of all the grind­ing. She does­n’t even like al­monds and she is get­ting ad­dicted to sugar and whisky. Her voice slurs when she sings.

Pedro has an idea. He gets a copy­right on the name Maite’s hor­chata” and goes and talks to all the bars in town. He lets them use the name and the recipe but takes a per­cent­age of the sales. Maite is a brand.

Sales sky­rocket. Some bars don’t fol­low the recipe, but Pedro is on their case and makes sure qual­ity is pre­served. The cou­ple still lives in the house on the hill, but now it is big­ger. It got a sign that says: The orig­i­nal Maite.” They have peo­ple mak­ing the hor­chata now. They get the al­monds from Marocco. Pedro does­n’t talk to cus­tomers any­more. Maite does­n’t sing. Her voice is not what it used to be.

And big money comes. They can go na­tional, but they have to change the recipe. You see, al­monds are too ex­pen­sive and whiskey is a no-no. They use caramel and more sugar in­stead.

Maite is a celebrity now. She got her face on all these cans. She is al­ways on TV. She tries to sing, but her voice comes out funny. It is all these par­ties she has to go to. The mu­sic is too loud and the smoke gets in her lungs.

Pedro en­joys the at­ten­tion. He buys a fancy car and dri­ves Maite around town to her ap­point­ments. He wears shoes made with croc­o­dile skin and they are very pointy. He talks loud and drinks a lot. Sometimes he falls asleep in the car parked in the dri­ve­way to their new villa.

The house on the hill is a mu­seum. They have pho­tos of how things were when it all started. The lines of trucks out­side; Maite grind­ing al­monds; Pedro build­ing the big sign.

One night they go to a movie pre­miere. In the car, they talk about their good luck. Sure there are prob­lems: they are busy, al­ways run­ning around. They are tired. They drink too much. But look at what they have!

And they look. And they look …

… and find noth­ing of im­por­tance.

If you come up the road to the house, you bet­ter come up qui­etly. Don’t make a fuss of it. When you are up on the ter­race, don’t make a sound. You might catch Maite singing as she goes about her busi­ness. You might wake up Pedro. He will be happy to see you. He en­joys the oc­ca­sional chat about sport and pol­i­tics. He has lots of opin­ions.

In the gar­den, here is the al­mond tree. Down be­low snakes the high­way. Behind that, the sea.
